You turn the shower on, water sputters out. You put your hand underneath the slowly growing stream of water. The water is freezing cold, but you can feel it slowly warming up. You pray silently that your neighbors don't flush or decide to take a shower at the same moment. \n\n[[You shower, it's great.|Room]]\n\n<<set $bathroom to 1>>\n<<if $time is "THREE">>\n<<set $time to "TWO">>\n<<elseif $time is "TWO">>\n<<set $time to "ONE">>\n<<elseif $time is "ONE">>\n<<set $time to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n
You go out onto memorial glade and lie in the sun for the 1 and a half hours you would have otherwise spent stuffed up in that smelly classroom. \n\nSometimes you get little breaks.\n\n----------------------------------------\nThanks for playing!\n----------------------------------------\n\n
Dude looks at your weirdly and snatches it back. \n\n[[Whatever.|Class2]]
<<if $space is 0>> Well, that's everything. Everything you can carry at least.\n\n<<nobr>><<set $things to 1>>\n<<if $time is "THREE">>\n<<set $time to "TWO">>\n<<elseif $time is "TWO">>\n<<set $time to "ONE">>\n<<elseif $time is "ONE">>\n<<set $time to 0>>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>\n\n[[Continue getting ready|Room]]\n<<else>>\nThis is a chore that is way more stressful since you need to try to predict what you'll need or want around for a full day, since there's never any time to come back here to get something. You midly regret not taking Predictions and Premonitions 101...\n\nYou have room for <<if $space is 1>>one thing<<else>><<$space>> things.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $ts is 1>>\n<<else>>[[Tennis shoes|Backpack][$space -=1, $ts =1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $glc is 1>><<else>>[[Goodluck charm|Backpack][$space -=1, $glc=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $as is 1>><<else>>[[Alchemy set|Backpack][$space -=1, $as=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $ppm is 1>><<else>>[[Portable prayer mat|Backpack][$space -=1, $ppm=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $chapstick is 1>><<else>>[[Chapstick|Backpack][$space -=1, $chapstick=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $ks is 1>><<else>>[[Knitting supplies|Backpack][$space -=1, $ks=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $pdh is 1>><<else>>[[Polkadot highlighter|Backpack][$space -=1, $pdh=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $wcs is 1>><<else>>[[Watercolor set|Backpack][$space -=1, $wcs=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $pizza is 1>><<else>>[[Pizza|Backpack][$space -=1, $pizza=1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $ltc is 1>><<else>>[[Laptop charger|Backpack][$space -=1, $ltc=1]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $commute is "the car is parked about">> \nIt'd be real nice if you could park the car closer, but it's too expensive to pay for any of that shit around here. The free neighborhood parking is further away. \n<<endif>>\n<<if $attitude is "fuck capitalism anyway.">> \nAt least your butt looks way fab. \n<<endif>>\n\nYou step over the package labeled with your neighbor’s name, try to check the time but realize you forgot to charge your phone, and stress out. You put on both backpack straps and start running. Your <<"laptop" "heaviest book" "lunch" "rabbit">> jumps up and down in your backpack but you don’t mind because you are about to \n\n<<if $commute is "the bus station is">>\n<<elseif $commute is "the car is parked about">>Hopefully there won't be traffic.\n<<endif>>
"Hi class. Sorry for the short notice, but class is cancelled today."\n\n\n<<replace>> Today <<gains>> is <<gains>> the <<gains>> best <<gains>> [[DAY!!!|End]] <<endreplace>>\n\n\n
Things left at home\n\nby\n\nThe Home Collaboration Group\n\n[[Start|StartStory]]\n\n
You descend into the garage. It's not very organized.\n\nYour bike is in the corner locked up tight.\n\nYou got your <<cyclinglink $helmet "sparkle red" "hot pink with white reflective tape stripe" "dinosaur" "fishbowl">> helmet on (~*a safety measure and a fashion accessory*~) and prepare to [[zoom off|Bike2]].
You are dreaming...\n\n<<cyclinglink $income "$" "$$" "$$$" "$$$$$!!!">> \n\n[[Wake up.|WakeUp]]
You make it to class. There's a note on the door.\n\n[[Read the note.|Note]]\n\n
All things considered, the class you just finished wasn't the worst class you've ever had. Actually the worst class you've ever had is your next class. You're dreading the walk. \n\n[[Walk to next class.|Class3]]
version.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:2,revision:0};\nmacros["goto"]=macros.timedgoto={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){function cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return +(s.slice(0,-2))||0\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return +(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0\n}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");return 0}var t,d,m,s;\nt=c[c.length-1];d=d.fullArgs();m=0;if(b!="goto"){d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t));\nm=cssTimeUnit(t)}d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""&&state&&state.init){if(macros["goto"].timer){clearTimeout(macros["goto"].timer)\n}s=state.history[0].passage.title;macros["goto"].timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a)\n}},m)}}};
The Prof overhears your complaint and says something triggering. You decide to keep quiet, resulting in a very bad mood. You do poorly in class that day.\n\n[[Class goes on.|Class2]]
at your place, you turn the house key and push the door open, throw your backpack down by the shoe rack, and start searching your room. You look under your bed covers, under your pillow, and in the pockets of the jacket you wore yesterday. You put your head on the carpet, look across the carpet, and run your hand over the carpet. \n\n[[It's not here.|Search]]\n
You don’t find it in your room. You find it in your room. \n\nYou don’t find it in your room. You walk into the kitchen. You check the cabinets. You pick up your papers and move your books from the kitchen table onto the chairs, and check the tablecloth beneath them. You start to despair. \n\nYou decide to just walk the 4 miles to campus. Your backpack looks really forlorn, cast aside by the shoe rack. You look sadly into the mirror, lift your backpack off the ground and onto your left shoulder, step out into the hallway, and close the door. Your keys are in the keyhole of the door. You breathe out. Alhamdulilah. You start walking down the stairs, your backpack hits the railways of the stairs because you forgot to wear it on your right shoulder. \n\n-deciding what is critical, what is important to the main path. \nWhat is our main path story? \n\nYou ??whats the verb for wheelchair?? You wheelchair to campus. The commute takes __, because you had to wait for the bus to load the platform and people were sitting in the seats reserved for wheelchair users. \n\nYou get to Bancroft and Telegraph. You get off the bus. The person sitting on the sidewalk sees you and shouts out, “Asalamalaykom.” You smile and return the greeting, “Wa alaykomasalaam!” \n\nSomeone stops you and asks, “[[misgenders you]]” \nYou walk through campus and a person comments on your outfit. They compliment your shoes // they compliment your hijab // they compliment your scarf // they say something rude about your body. \n\nYou ignore/respond/make eyecontact \n\nYou see a hip hop troupe doing a performance on Sproul. You decide to linger // you hurry because you’re already late for class.\n\nYou put in headphones // you stare at the ground // you avoid flyers // you accept flyers and read them // discard them in the next recycle bin. \n\nYou see Wheeler. You’re hungry/you remember you forgot to eat breakfast//you reminisce on the days which \nYou walk/wheelchair into campus. \n\tWalk\n\t\tYou take the stairs into Wheeler.\n\tWheelchair\n\t\tYou go around through Doe, and use your wheelchair to get to your classroom. \n\nYou are behind on reading, so you’re trying to scroll through the reading on your phone as you walk to class [LINK TO THE INFINTE SCROLL . ALIF PAGE]\n\n\n\n<<nobr>><<set $things to 1>>\n<<if $time is "THREE">>\n<<set $time to "TWO">>\n<<elseif $time is "TWO">>\n<<set $time to "ONE">>\n<<elseif $time is "ONE">>\n<<set $time to 0>>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>\nThis is a chore that is way more stressful since you need to try to predict what you'll need or want around for a full day, since there's never any time to come back here to get something. You midly regret not taking Predictions and Premonitions 101...\n\nYou have room for <<$space>> things.\n\n<<if $folder is 1>>\n<<else>>][$space -= 1, $folder=1]] <<endif>>\n<<replace>><<becomes>><<set $space -=1>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Scratch paper, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Contact Lens case, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Tennis Shoes (in case you want to walk home,) <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Watch, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Good luck charm, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Alchemy Set, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Rhetoric class notebook, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Astrology noteback, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Pencil bag, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Portable Prayer Mat, <<becomes>><<endreplace>><<replace>>Chapstick, <<becomes>><<endreplace>>\nPost-it for reading and note-taking\nKnitting Supplies\nPolka dot highlighter (You bought it recently)\nFavorite Daiso notebook\nInhaler\nGloria Andaluza's The Border Called My Back\nGlasses\nSunglasses\nPB&J Sandwich\nTennis Ball\nPhone charger\nLaptop charger\nPlanner/Agenda\nWater Color Set\nStudent ID Card\nPizza\nSkateboard\nDisposable cup\nHair gel\nSwiss Army Knife\nDictionary\nWalnut-stuffed Dates\n\n\n
\n<<if $powers is "ice stare">>\n\nYour stare intesifes. You can feel your field of vision narrow into an icy beam. You continue to hold this person's eye contact and you can see the frost forming on their ears. Their eyes start watering, and it's clear that they want to look away, but they can't. You can visual a knob in your mind's eye and dial it all the way to coldest setting. Blizzards are pouring from your retinas straight into this person's soul. This is the real deal. This isn't a joke. Entire tundras of the coldest, most brutal winters are flooding from your gaze into the very core of this creature's existence. Their skin has a gleam from the ice.\n\nYou blink.\nThey blink. They don't even know what just happened.\n"Uh... s-sorry about whatever.. ok."\nYou smile and look out the window.\n\n[[Time to get off the bus|Campus]]\n<<elseif $powers is "cute laugh">>\n\nYou feel it bubbling. It tickles your throat, lightly steps across your cheeks, and arrives at your lips. You turn to face the not-so-homie, and you let the magic get magical. Your laughter fills the bus, reverberating throughout the crowd. The person looks confused. You don't care. Your fellow busmates look around at one another, sharing glances with strangers, not completely understanding why a sudden warmth had enveloped them. Not an uncomfortable, stuffy warmth, but a warmth akin to the hugs you get from your best friend when you finally meet up after a long day of staying in the library studying. The not-so-homie seems to have forgotten about harassing you and is stupidly smiling into the void. The bus rolls to your stop, and you [[walk off the bus|Campus]], leaving behind a glittery giggle. \n<<elseif $powers is "steel teeth">> Coldly, you turn to face them full-on. You smile, slighty at first, before carefully pulling back your lips completely to reveal every single one of your teeth. You can feel them begin to grow, transform, and sharpen. Your mouth grows circular and your teeth begin to make rows and rows of deathly sharp deadly knives. You cackle gently. You can see that every single on of their hairs is standing on edge. "What did you ssay about my wallet?" you hiss.\n\nThey turn around without saying a word. You laugh and shake off the slumbering wickedness you temporarily awoke, and very matter-of-factly [[step off the bus|Campus]]\n<<elseif $powers is "warm glow">> You smile cutely and look down at your feet. Warmth rushes to your cheeks as they begin to glow a pastel rose red. Flower petals begin to emmenate from your aura. Some people standing next to you on the bus move away awkwardly, not understanding the sudden warmth filling the bus. You perform sheepishness as you slyly look up to make eyecontact with the person harassing you. You wink, and a final wave of golden sparkling glow floats gently onto their face. They sneeze, rub their eyes, and then look back like they've never seen you before in their life. They look at their phone in embarassment.\n\n[[The bus pulls up to the stop|Campus]]\n<<elseif $powers is "sharp tongue">> You begin to furiously mutter incantations under your breath. The person looks alarmed and confused. Your voice picks up a venomous-edge that few humans and non-human animals alike have ever had the misfortune to hear. You take a step closer to them as you begin to speak faster, and louder. They step back, horrified. Tears form at the corners of their eyes. In their face, all their deeply burried shames surface and lie before you and your wrath. You ignore them, going in deeper for the core. It surfaces like a ghost, and you direct the final piercing utterance directly into it, shattering it instantly. They lose all color in their face, close their eyes a moment, and look at you as if they're terribly lost. They check their phone, ask someone nearby what bus this is, and seem to settle back into their daily routine.\n\nYou feel pretty confident when you [[finally get off the bus.|Campus]]\n<<endif>>\n
You walk into class [ridiculously early/early/on time/late/TAAARDY]. Looking around, you find the classroom\nRidiculously early: [completely empty/some seats taken]\nEarly: [completely empty/some seats taken/most seats taken/no seats]\nOn time: [completely empty/some seats taken/most seats taken/no seats]\nLate: [most seats taken/no seats]\n#TARDEH: [no seats]\n\nIs there a midterm today? [Yes/No] \n\nNo midterm: woohoo normal class day\nYou decide to [sit in the front/sit in the back/sit in the middle/sit on the floor/ditch class].\nCompletely empty: [choose from everything above]\nSome seats empty: [choose from all] \nMost seats taken: [front/floor/ditch] \nNo seats: [floor/ditch] \nFront: You sit in the front. \nBack: \nMiddle:\nFloor: You sit on the floor. Mid-lecture, someone’s laptop drops on your lap. You look up at see that some random dude’s laptop dropped and that he wants it back. He laughs, since his laptop ruined your note-taking. You [give it back without saying anything/don’t give it back/call him out/steal and run]. \nGive it back but say nothing: Dude doesn’t even say thank you. [Ugh.]\nDon’t give it back: Dude looks at your weirdly and snatches it back. You [Call him out.]\nCall him out: Dude sheepishly mutters a “sorry.” You’re slightly happier. \nSteal and run: You now have a criminal record. Congrats. [Relation with UCPD slightly ruined.]\nDitch: You are clearly 2koo4skewl. Later, you check Twitter to find that the prof made a joke at your expense because, well, you are a special unicorn. [Bummer.]\n\nYes midterm: \nYou decide to\nCompletely empty: [sit in the front/sit in the back/sit in the middle/sit on the floor/ditch class]\nSome seats empty: [sit in the front/sit in the back/sit in the middle/sit on the floor/ditch class] \nMost seats taken: [front/floor/ditch] \nNo seats: [floor/ditch] \nFront: You sit in the front of the classroom. You see a student with handicap heading towards you general director \nBack: \nMiddle:\nFloor:\nDitch: \n\nYES: \nYou decide to [sit in the front/sit in the back/sit in the middle/sit on the floor/ditch class]. \n\nFront: You sit in the front of the classroom. You see a student with a handicap heading towards your general direction. You [offer your seat/do nothing/stare].\nOffer seat: Student with handicap takes offense. He/she/they is does not need your seat. How dare you. [Apologize/Angrily defend yourself/Stay put.] \nApologize: The student accepts your apology. [become bes franzz ] \nAngrily defend yourself: You throw a *tantrum,* angrily defending yourself while doing cartwheels. The prof asks you to [leave or go sit in the back.]\nLeave: [go to ditch] \nSit in back: [see sit in back] \nStay put: The student storms off angrily. Later, you find that he/she/they angrily tweeted about you \nDo nothing: \nStare: \nMiddle: You sit in the middle of the classroom. While passing out the exam, the prof says says something that incredibly offends you. [Call the prof out for it/Complain anonymously online/Tell your neighbor/Do nothing.] \nCall prof out: Someone sitting in the back applauds and backs you up. The prof apologizes. You actually do really well on your midterm. Yay.\nComplain anonymously online: \nTell neighbor: Prof overhears, says something triggering. You decide to keep quiet, resulting in a very bad mood. You do poorly. \nDo nothing: Your mood falters during the exam. You do poorly.\nBack: You sit in the back. A homeless man walks in and sits down next to you. You look around. No one else seems to have noticed. You [complain loudly/tell the man to leave/do nothing and try to focus]. \nComplain loudly: Offended, the homeless man complains back. \nTell man to leave\nTry to focus: The homeless \nFloor: You sit on the floor. Someone’s cup of coffee spills over your head and exam. [Say something/stay quiet/throw something at them]. \nSay something: The person next to you looks down and apologizes. He then makes a snide remark to himself about your appearance. [\nStay quiet: You manage to finish your exam and leave the classroom immediately after. Now you must head home smelling like coffee. [Okay.]\nThrow something: You’re kicked out of the classroom. And you failed your midterm. [Okay.]\nDitch: Are you sure? There is a midterm today. [Yes/No.]\nYes: How will you go home? [walk, bus, …. , etc.] \nNo: (Show other three choices). \n
You stroll to the bus station, which is oddly closer to your home than where your car is parked. <<timedreplace 1.5s>> You wait <<gains>> and wait <<gains>> and wait <<gains>> and wait... <<gains>> finally, the bus arrives. [[Get on bus.|Bus2]]<<endtimedreplace>>
Give it back but say nothing: Dude doesn’t even say thank you. [[Ugh.|Class2]]\n
You call him out on being a huge rude jerk not cool person. (Best insult).\nDude sheepishly mutters a “sorry.” You’re slightly happier. \n\n[[Cool I guess.|Class2]]
It would be nice to park closer but the area is crowded and sometimes 8 blocks away is the closest you can get. You sigh.\n\n[[Continue running|Car]]\n<<set $BLOX to 1>>
You sit down, and the prof starts calling roll. You wonder why they do this, because this class has been going on for at least 5 weeks now, but you guess learning names is hard. \n\nAs they continue to go down the list, you feel anxious. Are they going to <<cyclinglink $name "mispronounce your name""use the wrong name">>, <i>again</i>?\n\n[[Wait to hear your name called.|Roll2]]
...Except that the garage door is broken. \n\nFlustered, you've got no choice except to \n\n[[take the car instead|Car]]\n[[haul the bike up the stairs|Stairs]]
The coffee-spiller person sitting next to you looks down and apologizes. He then makes a snide remark to himself about your appearance. \n\n[[Ignore it and focus on class.|Class2]]
You listen to music. It's your favorite song, Don McLean's American Pie\n\n\n\n[[Climb up some steps|Class4]]
body {\n margin: 2%;\n background-color:;\n}\n#passages{\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n border: 0;\n width:96%;\n margin: auto;\n}\n.passage {\n font-size:3em; \n color: #FFFFFF;\n /*text-shadow: #888 0 0 0.05em;*/\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {\n .passage {\n font-size: 3em;\n }\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {\n .passage {\n font-size: 3em;\n }\n}\na.internalLink, a.externalLink {\n color: #FF33CC\n;\n /*text-shadow: #eee 0 0 0.07em;*/\n}\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover {\n color: #FFDEF7;\n text-decoration: none;\n /*text-shadow: #fff 0 0 0.09em;*/\n}\n#sidebar {\n\tdisplay:none;\n}\n/*Change transitions to change fadeout time any replace macro text*/\n.revision-span-in {\n\topacity: 1;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n\ttransition: 3s; -webkit-transition: 3s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n\tposition:absolute;\n\topacity: 1;\n}
You are dreaming...\n\n<<cyclinglink $gender "♀♂" "❄" "○" "✤" "□">> \n\n[[Next dream.|Pow]]\n
Your mood falters during class. You do poorly.\n\n[[Class goes on.|Class2]]
Why doesn't anything ever work? You think to yourself, sweaty and panting (you're out of shape, who has time to workout in a life like this?) but finally, you can set off to [[campus|Campus]]
You walk into your <<cyclinglink $class "astrology" "rhetoric" "spellcasting" "inter-species transformation">> class.\n\nMost of the seats are taken.\n\n[[Sit in the front <<set $seat to "front">>|Roll][$seat = "front"]]\n[[Sit in the back <<set $seat to "back">>|Roll][$seat = "back"]]\n[[Sit in the middle <<set $seat to "middle">>|Roll][$seat = "middle"]]\n[[Sit on the floor <<set $seat to "floor">>|Roll][$seat = "floor"]]\n[[Ditch class|Ditch]]
Someone sitting in the back applauds and backs you up. The prof apologizes. You actually do really well in class today. Yay, little victories.\n\n[[Class goes on.|Class2]]
\n<<if $email is 1>> Hey. Don't feel so bad. The day is almost over.\n\n[[You decide to just listen to music|music]]\n<<else>>You're so tired. You try to mentally review everything you need for the final class of the day, and vagely recall possibly forgetting some assignment at home. You barely have the energy to care at this point. \n\nYou pull out your phone to distract yourself. You have an e-mail.\n\n[[You read the e-mail|email]]\n[[You don't read your e-mail, you decide to just listen to music.|music]]\n<<endif>>
You walk into the kitchen. You check the cabinets. You pick up your papers and move your books from the kitchen table onto the chairs, and check the tablecloth beneath them. You start to despair. \n\n[[Just walk.|Walk]]
"Shit." you murmur under your breath. You feel sweat beads forming. You're already always so out-of-place as a <<$colors>> <<$gender2>> person, and you'd really rather not call anymore attention to yourself right now.\n\nYou hold back a couple tears of frustration. You don't even want to deal talking with the prof, who's a known hardass, and doesn't like you, so you decide to take the hit and get a marked-down grade for turning it in late.\n\n[[UGH UGH UGHGGGGHHHHHHH|ClassCont]]
"No, that's not it." You say it again, a little slower.\n\nMore face-scrunching. They attempt it again. And get it wrong.\n\n<<replace>> You say your name again. <<gains>> they mispronounce it again. <<gains>> you're starting to lose count of how many times you've said your name outloud. <<gains>> still doesn't get it right. <<gains>> you are getting audibly annoyed. <<gains>> the professor gets audibly annoyed at the fact that you are audibly annoyed. <i>why can't I just have a 'normal name'</i> you imagine they're thinking about you. <<gains>> still not getting it right, your classmates start to give you dirty looks like "wow, is this really such a big deal?" it is, you know it is, you know they've never dealt with this so how could they know, but you're still hurt. <<gains>> finally, some progress. <<gains>> eventually, they say it correctly. \n\n"Is that it?"\n"That's perfect, thank you."\nThey continue down the list.\n[[Class goes on|HandIn]]\n<<endreplace>>\n\n[[Give up.|HandIn]]
You look around the bedroom, <<nobr>><<if $room is 0>> <<cyclinglink $room "it's a mess." "it's clean and tidy." "it's lived-in, but not too bad.">>\n<<elseif $room is "it's a mess.">> <<$room + "You don't have time to clean it.">>\n<<else>> <<$room>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hunger is 1>> You're hungry. <<endif>>\n<<if $clothes is 1>> You're feeling good about your outfit.<<endif>>\n<<if $bathroom is 1>> Youre' nice and refreshed after that shower. <<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n<br>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $time is "ONE">> YOU HAVE TIME TO DO <<$time>> THING.\n<<elseif $time is 0>> YOU DON'T HAVE ANY TIME TO DO ANYTHING.\n<<else>> YOU HAVE TIME TO DO <<$time>> THINGS.\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\n<<if $time is 0>>\s\n<strike>Put on clothes.</strike>\n<strike>Check out mirror.</strike>\n<strike>Take a shower.</strike>\n<strike>Get things together.</strike>\n<strike>Eat some breakfast.</strike>\n[[Leave.|Leave]]\n<<else>>\n\t<<if $clothes is 1>>\s \n\t\t<strike>Put on clothes.</strike>\n\t<<else>>\s\n\t\t[[Put on clothes.|Clothes]]\n\t<<endif>>\s\n<<if $mirror is 1>>\s\n\t<strike>Check out the mirror.</strike>\n<<else>>\s\n\t[[Check out the mirror.|Mirror]]\n<<endif>>\s\n\t<<if $bathroom is 1>>\s\n\t\t<strike>Take a shower.</strike>\n\t<<else>>\s\n\t\t[[Take a shower|Bathroom]]\n\t<<endif>>\s\n<<if $things is 1>>\s\n\t<strike>Get things together.</strike>\n<<else>>\s\n\t[[Get things together.|Backpack]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $hunger is 1>>\s\n<strike>Eat some breakfast.</strike>\n<<else>>\s\n\t[[Eat some breakfast.|Breakfast]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>\n\n
It's crowded. You are pushed up uncomfortably close to people who make you feel unsafe. You busy yourself with <<cyclinglink "fiddling with your phone" "reading a book">>. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone staring at you. The unwanted attention sucks. <<if $clothes is 0>>You wish you had time to actually put together an outfit that makes you feel confident. <<else>> You wish you hadn't worn your <<$shoes>> shoes, <<$top>>, and <<$bottom>> today. <<endif>>\n\n"Hey pretty <<nobr>><<if $gender is "♀♂">> ambiguous babe, nice <<$wallet>> wallet." <<else>> <<$gender2>> babe, nice <<$wallet>> wallet." <<endif>><<endnobr>>\n\nYou smile, or was that a grimace, you're not sure, and stuff your <<$wallet>> wallet into your backpack. \n\n"Thanks."\n\n"You've got a beautiful <<nobr>><<if $gender is "♀♂">> chest for an ambiguous beauty."\n<<elseif $gender is "❄">> pair of ears for a <<$gender2>> beauty."\n<<elseif $gender is "○">> set of legs for a <<$gender2>> beauty."\n<<elseif $gender is "✤">> ass for a <<$gender2>> beauty."\n<<elseif $gender is "□">> mouth for <<$gender2>> beauty."\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\nOkay, that was too far. You're FED UP. You look up and make direct eye contact with this person. \n\n"Hey, look here."\n\n[[Use secret power <<$powers>> to tastefully retort.|Power]]
<<if $BLOX is 1>> You run the remaining 4 blocks to your car, this time, you smoothly avoid stumbling on a crack where you usually trip.\n<<else>>You run the [[8 blocks|8blocks]] to your car, almost tripping on the sidewalk.\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Run|Car2]]
You manage to stay awake through the entire lecture and leave the classroom immediately after. Now you must head to the next class smelling like coffee.\n\n[[It could be worse...|Class2]]
You grab your <<cyclinglink $wallet "cute dolphins and whales teal" "sailor moon" "ghost busters" "daisy glitter">> wallet and stand in the hallway and lock your door. You shift your backpack onto your right shoulder so you don’t bump it against the railways lining the stairs. \n\nYou step over the package labeled with your neighbor’s name, try to check the time but realize you forgot to charge your phone, and stress out. You put on both backpack straps and start running. Today you'll\n\n[[take the bus|Bus][$commute = "bus"]]\n[[take the car|Car][$commute = "car"]]\n[[take your bike|Bike][$commute = "bike"]]
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You dreamt about yourself. And money.\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $income is "$">>\nYour dream was realistic. You're poor when asleep and when awake. \n<<else if $income is "$$">>\nYour dream had you yearning for a small raise, maybe even repaired relations with your family, who has money and would be willing to help you out except for... well, you know.\n<<else if $income is "$$$">>\nYou dreamt you had enough to finally adopt a small <<cyclinglink "dog" "cat" "dragon" "fruit bat" "miniature winged scorpion">>. That would be nice.\n<<else if $income is "$$$$$!!!">>\n\tYou were filthy rich in your dream. Like, mansions in the Oakland hills and shit. It was decadent and absurd, like how you imagine wealth to be. But <<cyclinglink $attitude "real life sucks." "fuck capitalism anyway.">>\n<<endif>> <<endnobr>>\n\nYou look at the time. You're late.\n\n[[Better get ready|Room]].\n\n\n<<if $gender is "♀♂">> <<set $gender2 to "ambiguous">>\n<<elseif $gender is "❄">> <<set $gender2 to "snowflake">>\n<<elseif $gender is "○">> <<set $gender2 to "circular">>\n<<elseif $gender is "✤">> <<set $gender2 to "clover">>\n<<elseif $gender is "□">> <<set $gender2 to "angular">>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $space to 5>>\n\n<<nobr>><<set $room to 0>>\n<<set $time to "THREE">>\nThe alarm goes off. \n<<endnobr>>
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n;\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n;\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n;\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n;\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
You are dreaming...\n\n<<cyclinglink $powers "ice stare" "cute laugh" "steel teeth" "warm glow" "sharp tongue">>\n\n[[Next dream.|Color]]
You put on your <<cyclinglink $shoes "midnight purple" "lipstick red" "garibaldi orange" "salamander" "neon blue">> shoes\nAnd a <<cyclinglink $top "sweet dress" "graphic tee" "cardigan sweater">> \nAnd some <<cyclinglink $bottom "black tights" "gray jeans" "short-shorts" "adorable lacey underwear" "some neat plaid boxer briefs">>\n<<set $clothes to 1>> \n[[Totally stylish. You think so anyway.|Room]]\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $time is "THREE">>\n<<set $time to "TWO">>\n<<elseif $time is "TWO">>\n<<set $time to "ONE">>\n<<elseif $time is "ONE">>\n<<set $time to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n
<<if $seat is "front">> There's always seats in the very front row, because who likes sitting there? You actually do like sitting there, except for the discomfort of technically being in front of a lot of people. You doodle on your notes. The person behind you sneezes on your head. Great. Guess you didn’t even need hairspray today. \n\nLecture is so confusing, the prof might as well be conducting the class using only interpretative dance. Your head hurts. It's hard to pay attention, or even take notes. But who needs to take notes. \n[[Make a joke about the interpretive dance on twitter|Twitter]]\n\n<<elseif $seat is "back">> You struggle to pay attention to the prof's dry explanation. It's amazing that someone can make something as rad as <<nobr>><<if $class is "astrology">>supernovas made of glitter <<elseif $class is "rhetoric">> disruptive dance practices <<elseif $class is "spellcasting">> the levitation of writing devices <<else>> fawn-to-fauna transmogrification <<endif>><<endnobr>> sound so boring. Someone’s cup of coffee spills into your backpack, staining all yer stuff. Crap. \n[[Say something|SaySomething]]\n[[Stay quiet|Quiet]]\n\n<<elseif $seat is "middle">> While passing out a handout of <<nobr>><<if $class is "astrology">>star charts<<elseif $class is "rhetoric">> scandelous pictures of Aristotle making out with Plato <<elseif $class is "spellcasting">> incantations <<else>> pictures of interupted human-to-nonhuman-animal transformations (you feel queasy about that)<<endif>><<endnobr>>, the prof stops by your desk and mentions that you should pay extra attention to the handout and class today. The remark comes off as an off-handed racist comment about <<$colors>> people and your intelligence. You hurt.\n\n[[Call the prof out for it|CallOut2]]\n[[Quietly complain to the person sitting next to you|QuietComplain]]\n[[Do nothing.|Nothing]]\n\n<<elseif $seat is "floor">> You sit on the floor. Mid-lecture, someone’s laptop drops into your lap. You look up at see that some random dude laptop dropped and that he wants it back. He laughs, since his laptop ruined your note-taking. You\n\n[[Give it back without saying anything.|GiveBack]]\n[[Don’t give it back.|DontGive]]\n[[Call him out.|CallOut]]\n\n<<endif>>
You finally get there. Reaching for your car keys, you realize that you forgot them.\n\n[[You run back|RunBack]]
3547 retweets on Twitter. You’re basically famous now. Legit. But you now feel shitty because, well, two dudes coughed on you all lecture.\n\n[[What a day|Class2]]\n
You decide to just walk the 4 miles to campus. Your backpack looks really forlorn, cast aside by the shoe rack. You look sadly into the mirror, lift your backpack off the ground and onto your left shoulder, step out into the hallway, and close the door. Your house keys are in the keyhole of the door. You breathe out. Alhamdulilah. You start walking down the stairs, your backpack hits the railways of the stairs because you forgot to wear it on your right shoulder. \n\n[[Walk|Campus]]
"Ok, everyone. Please hand in the take-home midterm exam."\n\nYou feel good. You studied hard for that <<nobr>><<if $class is "astrology">>astrological formations<<elseif $class is "rhetoric">> post-modernist neo-Platonist existentialist realist new media <<elseif $class is "spellcasting">> discursive spell tactics <<else>> human-to-axolotl transformation<<endif>><<endnobr>> exam. No sweat. You got this.\n\nYou fumble around in your backpack, confident it's there, you finished it a few days early and made sure to keep in there so you wouldn't forget it at home, you move around a few papers, and then realize\n\n[[it's not there.|NotThere]]
You are dreaming...\n\n<<cyclinglink $colors "maroon" "indigo" "opal" "lavender" "ash">> \n\n[[Next dream.|Income]]
<<if $name is "mispronounce your name">> "Is um.. A-.. B.. He.. How do you say it again?"\n\n(Im)patiently, you say your name for them.\n\nThey scrunch up their face, and say it back, horribly incorrect, as usual.\n\n"Is that right?"\n\n[["No." <<set $name2 to "1">>|CorrectName]]\n[["That's fine. <<set $name2 to "0">>|HandIn]]\n<<else>> The professor calls out a name that's long been dead to you, but is alive and well in pretty much every BS bureaucratic system that exists, including the roll call, which mystifies you because you've corrected them every single day.\n\nYou speak up, letting them know your real name.\n\nThey cough awkwardly, "oh yes, I remember now." Without an apology, they continue down the list. \n\n[[Class goes on.|HandIn]]\n<<endif>>
version.extensions.cyclinglinkMacro={major:3,minor:3,revision:0};\nmacros.cyclinglink={handler:function(a,b,c){var rl="cyclingLink";\nfunction toggleText(w){w.classList.remove("cyclingLinkInit");\nw.classList.toggle(rl+"Enabled");w.classList.toggle(rl+"Disabled");\"none")?"inline":"none")}switch(c[c.length-1]){case"end":var end=true;\nc.pop();break;case"out":var out=true;c.pop();break}var v="";if(c.length&&c[0][0]=="$"){v=c[0].slice(1);\nc.shift()}var h=state.history[0].variables;if(out&&h[v]===""){return\n}var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null);l.className="internalLink cyclingLink";\nl.setAttribute("data-cycle",0);for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=(i==Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0));\nvar d=insertElement(null,"span",null,"cyclingLinkInit cyclingLink"+((on)?"En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{"none"\n}insertText(d,c[i]);if(on&&end&&i==c.length-1){l.parentNode.replaceChild(d,l)\n}else{l.appendChild(d)}}l.onclick=function(){var t=this.childNodes;\nvar u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0;var m=t.length;toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1);if(!(out&&u==m)){u%=m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}}else{h[v]=""}if((end||out)&&u==m-(end?1:0)){if(end){var n=this.removeChild(t[u]);\nn.className=rl+"End";"inline";this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)\n}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}return}toggleText(t[u]);\nthis.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)}}};
<<set $email to 1>>\nIt's from your parents. They recieved a piece of mail from the university and wanted to remind you to change your address so they don't have to keep forwarding things to you.\n\n[[How nice.|Class3]]
<<nobr>><<set $mirror to 1>>\n<<if $time is "THREE">>\n<<set $time to "TWO">>\n<<elseif $time is "TWO">>\n<<set $time to "ONE">>\n<<elseif $time is "ONE">>\n<<set $time to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\nMirror mirror:\n\nYour complextion is <<$colors>>.\n<<nobr>>\nYour gender is <<if $gender is "♀♂">> not something you fully comprehend yet.\n<<elseif $gender is "❄">> snowflake.\n<<elseif $gender is "○">> cyclical.\n<<elseif $gender is "✤">> clover.\n<<elseif $gender is "□">> angular.\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n\nYour power is <<$powers>>.\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $clothes is 1>>Your <<$shoes>> shoes look great with your <<$top>> and <<$bottom>>. <<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n[[Lookin' good.|Room]]
There's nothing to eat in the kitchen.\n<<set $hunger to 1>>\n[[Typical.|Room]]\n<<if $time is "THREE">>\n<<set $time to "TWO">>\n<<elseif $time is "TWO">>\n<<set $time to "ONE">>\n<<elseif $time is "ONE">>\n<<set $time to 0>>\n<<endif>>\n
You think about ditching class, because that would be nice. But you're ridden with guilt at the thought, considering how much debt this is already causing you.\n\n[[Stay even though you'd like to leave|Class]]
<<nobr>><<endnobr>>\n<<nobr>><<if $commute is "bus">> You get off the bus on bankroft and telegraph. <<elseif $commute is "car">> You finally step foot on campus. <<else>> you hop off your bike to walk it through campus.<<endif>><<endnobr>> A person sitting on the sidewalk sees you and shouts out, <<replace>>“Asalamalaykom” <<becomes>> "Peace be upon you." <<endreplace>> You smile and return the greeting, <<replace>> “Wa alaykomasalaam!” <<becomes>> "And peace be upon you." <<endreplace>>\n\nAs you walk into campus you notice some folks with clipboards ready-at-hand. You internally brace yourself. They smile warmly at you, about to ask if you'd like to sign something-something petition, and you can feel the impending misgendered greeting. \n\n"Hi <<$gender2>> person! Would you like to sign our petition Berkeley against pretty much everything corporate?"\n\nYou're stunned for a second because they actually got it right for once. You feel pretty good about yourself, but still mutter something about not being interested and keep on walking to class. \n\n[[Walk to class|Class]]\n